Daura's FFXIV Characters



Aurelius Recueil

A laid-back, whimsical and curious male Elezen who hails from Ishgard.
Loves tea, Carbuncles, books and exploring the realm.


Hacheaut ''Hache'' Forgeron

A male Elezen who is often mistaken for a Hyur, due to his rounded ears and assortment of accessories upon his neck. Originally from the Brume, he survives within a settlement within Tailfeather, at the Dravanian Forelands.


Casra de Cielvert

A clinical, sarcastic male sage Elezen from the Shroud.
Provides healing, advice and counselling.

Yeletelle de Cielvert

An elegant Elezen of the Archer's Guild in Gridania. Casra's sister.

About me (ooc)

My FFXIV Twitter
Hello! I'm Daura! I'm a freelance digital artist based in Australia.
I love to play video games, go on nature walks and write~
You can find some of my artworks here: ArtistDauraI love nothing more than to admire GPOSE screenshots, and find out more about everyone's WoL/OCs!I'm fairly new to FFXIV RP, but have been roleplaying for many years.You can find me on Ravana, Materia.I'm flexible about RP, in-game or purely in Discord, either or is absolutely fine with me!Out-of-game: I can be reached on Discord. My Discord handle is: nept_casradauraTime Zone: I am in AEST.I am open to most types of RP and plot ideas, so long as we discuss it beforehand.I look forward to interacting with you!


Basic Information

Name: Aurelius Recueil (Etymology: Aurelius is "golden" in Latin. Recueil is "collection" particularly pertaining to knowledge in French.)
Age: 26
Origin: Ishgard (formerly)
Gender: Male
Race: Elezen (Wildwood)
Status: Single
Occupation: Wandering Scholar
FFXIV Class(es): Scholar/Summoner (Main), Reaper (Secondary), Gunbreaker

Physical Appearance

"I'm Aurelius Recueil. Formerly from Ishgard, but pray, you'll not hear of pretentious ramblings. I'm just a humble wandering scholar~"

Eye colour: Silver/light gray
Accessories: A pair of rimless gold glasses.
Hair colour: A dark gray-blue (not black) with golden highlights.
Build: Below-average height for an Elezen, not thin nor muscular. Comparatively rather lithe but not unhealthy.

Other facts

  • A mostly idealistic ambivert who is kind and knowledgeable. Can be very charismatic and playful in the moment.

  • Fervently enjoys books, magic and tea, and is always accompanied by his dear Carbuncle.

  • Also enjoys fishing, dancing, the occasional tavern visit or anything that can fuel his spirit to wander into new adventures.

  • He's a curious soul, so he enjoys learning about others or simply exchanging silly banter with them. He is a fan of and writes poetry. WILL pay gil for inkwells.

  • Aurelius is scared of the dark. His Carbuncle's glowing light acts like a night light. 💛

  • If he is sleep-deprived or missing his morning tea, instead of being irritable you'll find him to be rather loopy, going on strange ramblings and overall be quite silly.

  • He has a habit of bringing up weird analogies/sayings in conversations at times.

  • When drunk, activates 'bard mode' - starts rambling on in dramatic Old English...

  • Not your ordinary bookworm: can surprisingly hold his own in battle, much to the surprise of others.

  • Love of the theatrics; will overexaggerate in a comical fashion.

  • Due to certain events in his upbringing, he's not on good terms with the Holy See.

Aurelius' Topaz Carbuncle

A Topaz Carbuncle that was summoned in a dire moment of desperation during Aurelius' childhood.Unusually independent and sentient, this Carbuncle is very in tune with the emotions of others.You may see it do actions like pick up a flower in its mouth, and gift it to someone to comfort someone, or nudge forward a book with its snout at someone as a hint to read it.Aurelius sees them as a true companion, like family, and will do everything in his power to keep it safe and well looked after.


Basic Information

Name: Hacheaut Forgeron
('hache' is the French word for hatchet. Hache Forgeron generally translates to 'blacksmith ax')
Age: 19
Origin: The Brume, Ishgard (formerly). Currently resides within Tailfeather, The Dravanian Forelands
Gender: Male
Race: Elezen (Wildwood)
Status: Single
Occupation: Hunter, WAR/BSM/MCH

Physical Appearance

"The name's Hache Forgeron. There's no need to back away like that... my huntin' tools are for wildlife, not you. What's the problem with gettin' your hands dirty, hm?"

Eye colour: Light yellow
Accessories: Some form of exotic necklace
Hair colour: Light, dusty brown hair with darker tips
Build: Well-built, sturdy and strong. Always covered in dust and dirt. Somewhat rough around the edges.

Other facts

  • Prefers the wilderness and camps often.

  • Has a loud voice, wants to learn more about machines.

  • Can't cook, so prefers food raw.

  • Untamed and rowdy

  • Adept at survival and hunting. Somewhat uncivilized.

  • Started a physical riot with the Temple Knights before fleeing to Tailfeather with his remaining family.

  • Calls people by an object that defines them. E.g. a person who loves reading will just be called Books. Does not care for formality, and does not put in the effort.


Basic Information

Name: Casra de Cielvert
Age: 30
Origin: Twelveswood (father's side from the Shroud, mother's side from Ishgard)
Gender: Male
Race: Elezen (Wildwood)
Status: Single
Occupation: Sage/Practicioner

Physical Appearance

"It would be best for the betterment of mankind if you didn't take everything I say to heart. Now, then. What can I do for you?"

Eye colour: Magenta
Accessories: A pair of elegant rimless glasses
Hair colour: An almost pastel, light-green
Build: Trained, but not overly muscular.

Other facts

  • A stoic-looking fellow who offers his healing and counsel to others from the comfort of his own clinic. Genuinely enjoys interacting with others, but tends to scare others away with his biting sarcasm or ''can't-tell-if-he's-joking-or-not" look.

  • A no-nonsense kind of person who upon seeing someone injured will yank them indoors to get treated - accepting no protests. He doesn't coddle his clients, but he is surprisingly gentle with them despite his blunt demeanor.

  • Deep down, he wishes he could be better at being compassionate...

  • A former combat field medic who was part of an elite squadron within Twelveswood.

  • Has a habit of assuming everyone is talking in the rhetorical sense which leads him to responding in sarcasm.

  • Tends to his garden, goes on walks, practices alchemy, tinkers with nouliths and quietly reads in his own time.

  • Casra believes that the Elementals are merely "over-glorified" forest spirits that managed to trick some of the forest Elezen into revering them as if they were gods. "Archaic, superstitious nonsense" he calls it.

  • Casra is naturally a little rough around the edges. He was taught etiquette by his Ishgardian mother, but ultimately brushes it aside. He jokingly calls himself an uncouth bastard as a result, deeming the entire thing ridiculous.

  • Casra dislikes the cold. He enjoys all sorts of soup. Has very perceptive hearing. A light sleeper.

  • Loathes meaningless questions (that he unfortunately has to endure through his clients)


Basic Information

Name: Yeletelle de Cielvert
Age: 25
Origin: Twelveswood (father's side from the Shroud, mother's side from Ishgard)
Gender: Female
Race: Elezen (Wildwood)
Status: Single
Occupation: Archer

Physical Appearance

"Oh, so fresh in town are you? Watch your step when treading near my arrows. I'll have you know that not much gets past me~"

Eye colour: Heterochromia: right eye is magenta like her brother Casra's, left eye is a turqoise blue.
Accessories: A pair of silver ear cuffs.
Hair colour: An almost pastel, light-green with white highlights. Side swept hair that's braided into a fish tail from behind.
Build: Quite tall and healthy slim.

Other facts

  • Somewhat mellow. Elegant, ladylike, yet enjoys a fun conversation. Expert at archery and aim. Perceptive.

  • Part of a private unit of archers with The Archer's Guild of Gridania.

  • Proud of her weaponry and armor.

  • Elegant and sweet, but sometimes can't help but let out a hearty laugh as much as she tries to hold herself back.

  • Enjoys teasing others every now and then. Warm and docile.

Introductory Teaser

"A child Elezen is found wandering within the snowy streets of Ishgard with no recollection or trace of his family. He is eventually taken under the merciful wing of some Ishgardian librarians, but kept under the scrutinising gaze of the Holy See. For each time he disobeys, the brand of a heretic burns stronger and so does a dance with near death."

Introductory Teaser

"Casra, once part of an elite healing squadron, faced a devastating order that shattered his sense of duty. Disillusioned, now works as a sage, seeking redemption through healing and offering counsel to those in need... even if it was the very thing he himself required."

Aurelius's journey began in the cold, snow-covered city of Ishgard, where he was discovered as a nameless child in a desolate alley. Found by librarians who took pity on him, they brought him into the warmth of the library, where he grew up surrounded by books. His golden-tinted hair earned him the name Aurelius, reflecting both his curiosity and the shimmering highlights that appeared as he grew older. Aurelius would eventually stumble upon a forbidden tome and sought to read its contents in secret, taking great joy in learning.From a young age, Aurelius was a curious and studious child, but his thirst for exploration led him to wander into forbidden parts of the city. There, he encountered guards who, upon discovering his frighteningly high aetherial signature, locked him in a dark, cold cell. After three days of torment and near starvation, Aurelius’s latent magic erupted blasted open the cell door, breaking him free. No more did he have to lap the scarce moisture off the cold walls. However, this display of power terrified the guards, who branded him a heretic—a devil child—a dangerous label in the devout city of Ishgard.Rescued by the head librarian, Aurelius was brought back to the safety of the library, but the event marked the beginning of a life overshadowed by fear. As he grew older, Aurelius remained hidden within the library's walls, his presence a secret that the librarians struggled to protect from the increasingly suspicious clergy. Despite their efforts, a priest eventually discovered Aurelius and reprimanded him harshly.Shaken but not broken, Aurelius turned to the study of conjury by which the librarians had introduced a tome, finding solace and purpose in the art of healing. The librarians knew that they would not be able to sustain themselves for much longer for keeping such a controversial boy under their care, so they decided to do their best to give Aurelius a good life.He dedicated himself to mastering his magical abilities, but as he grew stronger, the clergy’s fear of him intensified. One fateful day, Aurelius returned to the library to find it eerily silent. Hidden away, he overheard a conversation that shattered his world—the librarians, his only family, had been executed for protecting him.Overcome with grief and anger, Aurelius’s magic manifested a Carbuncle, a creature that provided him with comfort and a sense of purpose. Realizing that his life in Ishgard was no longer safe, Aurelius made the difficult decision to leave the only home he had ever known. With the Carbuncle by his side, he escaped into the snowy night, determined to forge his own path and explore the world beyond the desolate walls.Much later, it is discovered that while Aurelius was reading the forbidden tome, a voidsent had attached itself to its aether - the result of his extraordinary aetheric signature. It can be inferred that this is the reason that the guards within Ishgard grew fearful as they sensed that something was off with this seemingly harmless child.

RP Hooks

"You don't look like you're from these parts..."It may be fairly obvious to your character that Aurelius is dressed in a different style of clothing that suggests he's not from any of the three city-states. He's from Ishgard."What's that fluffy yellow fox?"
Aurelius constantly has his Topaz Carbuncle summoned. It's his dearest companion, after all! It may be seen nabbing his quills, napping on a nearby tome, or maybe even climbing up the back of a character, before curling itself comfortably around their neck. But it also serves as deep comfort to him, especially in the dark.
A whimsical, friendly air.Aurelius isn't one for false impressions, that's why he's often wearing his heart on his sleeve. He's laid-back, weaving elegance yet wit at the same time, along with a dramatic flair if he's passionate enough. He's fond of playful banter, silly musings and whatnot.Formerly Ishgardian?He may be an open book, but even tomes hold their secrets. If you're wanting more than a vague response for his departure from Ishgard, you're going to need to understand him more on a deeper level.And yet, he acts so much unlike what you'd expect from an Ishgardian...Tea Lover
What more beats a pleasant chat over some tea? You may absolutely serenade him with this notion.
Magical Bookworm
Need I explain? It comes as no surprise that Aurelius is a dork when it comes to literature and other trivial topics. While he does tend to ramble a lot, he's more than content to just share a quiet space in company with someone, or gently enthuse over books and magic.
Curiosity kills the cat
Aurelius is a curious soul and you'll know it by his ever, awe-struck gaze when someone flourishes a skill or their craft. He's also surprisingly interested in seeing combat happen between two parties, even though he'd rather not get involved in conflict if he can avoid it.
He's also quite gullible. Despite his brilliant mind, Aurelius still possesses a childlike, bright and innocent personality.Aetherial Signature
Aurelius is a talented mage who self-taught himself the ways of magic as he lived and breathed inside a library for most of his younger years. As a result, he has a potent kind of aether reserve - but the control on it can be rather haphazard at times.
While he specialises in healing magic and magical barriers, he also possesses some ability for black magic....just a teensy bit."Oh, come now... It was one spell! And in my defense, that shadowy looking book was just waiting to be read!"There's also the matter of a voidsent having latched onto his aether, but as it stands, Aurelius is entirely oblivious of this fact to date.

Casra began his journey as a member of one of the most esteemed combat healing squadrons in Twelveswood. This elite group, renowned for their ability to sway battles, was typically held in reserve, a powerful force to be deployed only when necessary. Casra joined the squad at the age of 22, eager to use his skills to save lives on the battlefield.However, a fateful day changed everything. The squadron was sent to the frontline but ordered to stay far behind the troops with a chilling directive: "You are to keep the field medics alive, and only the field medics." Casra and his comrades were forced to watch helplessly as soldiers who could have been saved died before their eyes. Their duty was not to fight or heal those in need, but to protect the medics at the expense of everyone else.The strategy was effective—the enemy suffered heavy losses, and technically, fewer lives were lost on Casra's side. But the cost was far greater than the numbers suggested. Those who survived grew to resent the healers, believing that Casra and his squad had betrayed their duty and principles. The sight of their comrades' blood staining the ground while their own uniforms remained unmarked haunted Casra.The guilt of inaction weighed heavily on him. It wasn't a matter of limited resources or impossible choices; they had been ordered to stand by and do nothing. This betrayal of his principles led Casra to leave the squadron at the age of 27, disillusioned and burdened by the memory of those he could not save.